Magic link + next page parameter do not work

Hey there,

we have defined user group specific pages after signin in the standard app settings.

Additionally, we want to email in some scenarios magic deep links to our users which lead them to other pages than the standard pages after signin which we have defined for the different user groups.

Problem: The “magic link&next-page=/page-path” does not work anymore, i.e. all these magic links+next page URLs get redirected to the standard user-group specific page which we have defined as standard after signin.

Any idea how to change this?

Hi alexs and welcome to the Softr community!

Can you post an example link that uses the next-page querystring parameter that is not working? I am wondering if perhaps you’re using a & when you need to be using a ? in the URL.

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Thanks for taking this David.

Here comes the link:

@alexs thanks for sharing. I think this was conflicting with global redirect rules on user group level. We had an update 10 mins ago and I think this should be addressed. BTW would suggest DM-ing the magic links and not putting publicly here.

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yep, i had a lot of trust and have regenerated the link now;)

thanks for the update!

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Hello - I’m facing an issue with this url :

I want to redirect to a specific page and pass 2 parameters the record ID and the people ID, because these 2 fields are used to prefill a fillout form embed in the page.

Issue is that when it resolves the magic token, it redirect to the page but only keeps the first parameter
second is removed

Any idea on this ? Thanks in advance for your time

Hey @Flavien,

You need to encode the URL ( / - %3F | = - %3D | & - %26 ) it is the working version of the URL now



Thanks @Suzie, this is really awesome. Solve the case, as always ! Thank you Softr team.
I share the piece of custom code in case someone else need this.
This was implemented as a “Run a script” task in an airtable automation.
Make sure to well declare your variables first to make it works. Enjoy

function customEncode(text) {
    return encodeURIComponent(text).replace(/%20/g, "+").replace(/%21/g, "!").replace(/%22/g, "\"").replace(/%23/g, "#").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%26/g, "&").replace(/%27/g, "'").replace(/%28/g, "(").replace(/%29/g, ")").replace(/%2A/g, "*").replace(/%2B/g, "+");

let varliste = input.config();

let magiclink = varliste.magiclink[0];

let pageurl = varliste.actionpageurl;

let rid = varliste.projectrecordid[0];

let peopleid = varliste.peopleID[0];

const redirecturl = pageurl + “?recordId=” + rid+ "&peopleId=" +peopleid;

var encodedURL = customEncode(redirecturl);

const url = magiclink + "/&next-page=%2F" + encodedURL

output.set('url', url);
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Also as a reference, if you need this magic link + next page + double url parameter inside a formula field in Airtable =>

Here I take the example of a magic link with the recordId of the user + a recordId of a project of the user. It can be anything else

{Magic link}&'&next-page=/yournextpage?recordId='&{RecordId (from Projects)}&'%26personId%3D'&RECORD_ID()

Magic link being the magic link field in the users table.

{RecordId (from Projects)} being the field of the recordId of a project of the user in the users table.

RECORD_ID() being the recordId of the user in the users table (the personId).