Love hate relationship with the recent updates

Hey there, Softr product owners!

First of all, I wanted to say that I’m a big fan of your product. It’s been such a time-saver for us! But, I do have a little concern…

I can’t help but wonder why you guys thought it was a good idea to use those three dots as a dropdown to show other buttons. It’s kind of messing with the whole button experience, you know? I’m genuinely curious why not both options were considered?

For internal tools this is really critical!

I really wish I could display as many buttons as I want on my list block without having to rely solely on that three dots dropdown.

So, if it’s possible, could you guys please consider bringing back that feature in an update? That would be awesome! Thanks a bunch!


Hi, we added the 3-dots icon so that the buttons can fit into the list block and not change the block/cell size. However, it is in our plans to update the 3-dots to make buttons more user-friendly in the block. I am not able to give you any specific dates yet, but we are working on it.