Loading data via API

I have built a shipping order system with a software called Ragic, www.ragic.com.
Reason why I choose this over the usual suspect (Airtable, Softr etc etc) is because it offers more advanced connections and a better workflow with subtables (item details). Our usage will be very data heavy and Ragic resembles more a traditional ERP system (SAP etc).

The design however is not the most inspiring, but for internal use it will do.

I am now planning and investigating how to build our external facing customer portal where customers can download invoices, proof of deliveries, place shipping orders and see status of their orders.

I must also build a landing page for the company and I really want to find a working solution with Softr to do both.

Problem is Ragic is not a supported datasource (which is understandable since its a quite niche software and not so common), however they have a very good API, they also have a solution for embedding sheets (=tables) on external sites. But if I do not want to have the table public it will require the user to log in once more (first softr, then ragic in the custom block) which is not an ideal user experience.

Based on above description do you see solution for my problem?

I guess API as datasource is not on the roadmap at this stage?
Is it possible to somehow authenticate the user also with Ragic when they log in to Softr (maybe stupid question, but I’m not a tech pro, I’m an entrepreneur)