List View Block issue with more than 2 buttons

Hi all, a quick one I hope. I use one of the list pages (List details page with image slider), with a series of buttons as a sub-navigation feature. There’s an update which replaces the block entirely, but it no longer works in the way I need. On the content, you can’t add buttons anymore, you can only add them via actions. However, if I add more than two, it creates a little dropdown for anything more (see screenshot). Is there anything I’ve missed, or do I just need to retain the old block? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @JonUK,

Yes, after the update we show the buttons this way. Though we have received this feedback by many users and have addressed this to our product team.


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The best option would be a box that allows you to determine how many are shown before a dropdown menu appears. Then you get a flexible option.

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Dear Suzie,

If there’s still room for requesting further optimization - than please consider also the option to display buttons stacked on top of each other (in the same row). Otherwise these buttons may take up too much ‘screen real estate’.

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I’ll save your feedback @thijs and will address this to consider for the future improvements.

Hey guys, was this ever considered? I’m trying a new beta block and it’s still only 2 buttons :frowning:

This really is important for better navigation :frowning: