Link to xxx Field in Form


I manage vehicles and drivers in individual tables in my database.

My employees do not work directly in AirTable but on a softr app linked to Airtable.

Now I have created a new table in which employees can enter damage to the vehicles using a form.
However, I don’t want the employee to enter the license plate number manually, but select it from the “Vehicle trains” table - so that I can later see a link to the damage in the vehicle.

Where I see it, the softr forms don’t support the “Link to xxx” fields.

Hence my question: can I somehow insert a “Link to xxx” field in a softr form via detours like Jotform and / and Zapier (or other apps)?


Do your vehicles change a lot?
If yes, my solution requires you to enter manually the license plate. (1)
If no, my solution can use a drop-down where you predefined license plates to choose from. (2)

The idea is to use either a simple text field (1) or a drop-down in softr (2) to enter the license plate.

If the key value in your vehicle table in airtable is the license plate, just link the softr field to a linked record field in the damage table and the right vehicle will be automatically linked.

If the key value is not the license plate, you will need an automation in airtable:

  • When a row is created in damage table
  • Find record in vehicle table with matching license plate
  • Update linked field from damage table with key value from vehicle table record you just found.

Hope that’s clear, let me know if it’s not.

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Hey @KevinDax,

Please, let us know if the steps suggested by Joachim helped you :slight_smile:
