Lemon Squeezy (MoR) payment integration as alternative to Stripe

For business owners who want to sell their service globally, it’s quite complex and difficult to stay compliant with tax laws using Stripe.

Please provide a merchant-of-record payment provider like Lemon Squeezy or Paddle as a native payment alternative inside of Softr. :pray:

See Framer’s integration with Lemon Squeezy: Framer Updates: Lemon Squeezy


I would really love this feature too! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hi @goehmann

Thanks for taking the time to suggest this new feature. When you have a chance, can you also submit this feature request here: https://www.softr.io/suggest-feature

That way we can keep track of it and alert you if it ever goes live.

Otherwise, I’ll pass this onto the team!

@Jjenglert done! :pray:

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