Leaderboard with Rank (Adding Rank Numbers to List Cards)

I am attempting to build a leaderboard with ranks.

I am using a List with vertical cards and tag block, and would like to use JavaScript to inject a rank number onto each card. The first card is #1, second card is #2, and so on.

This would be similar to how the Most Wished For page on Amazon displays a ranking for each product.

The issue that I’m running into trying to target the List with vertical cards and tag block after it loads loads.

It’s easy to target a block that’s loaded onto the page and is visible, but often times this is merely a placeholder and the block itself is still loading.

How do you trigger JavaScript to run on a List with vertical cards and tag block both after the block is visible on the page, and has finished loading displaying it’s content fully?

For context: Airtable doesn’t natively support ranking rows (I know I could use a Script in Airtable), so it’s easier to use Softr to sort records in a specific order in a List with vertical cards and tag block, and then inject HTML to label each card #1, #2, #3, etc.

Thanks in advance for the help!