Launching this Saturday! - Advanced Softr App with Upvote, Reviews, Accounts, Forms and more

Hi everyone, this Saturday (1st of April), I will launch Climesumer -
A website that helps anyone live the most sustainable lifestyle possible.

It houses 500+ manually curated resources to take individual climate action across 12+ categories:
:arrows_counterclockwise: Sustainable Alternatives | :seedling:Climate Guide | :money_with_wings:Deals | :books:Books :handshake:Communities | :briefcase:Jobs | :email:Newsletters | :studio_microphone:Podcasts | :fire_extinguisher:Activist Groups :popcorn:Movies & Documentaries | :newspaper:News Outlets | :bulb:Educational Resources and more.
Users can:

  • Upvote, save and review resources and collect them in their personal Action Hub (account).
  • Submit new resources and keep track of them.

I spent around 2 months collecting the data and about 1 month building it in Softr.

From a Softr perspective, I think I pushed it to the limits:

  • Around individual 50 Pages
  • Custom voting system on account level (using hidden forms)
  • The new action buttons and slide-in modal for some pages.
  • Accounts with email verification (going through
  • Looking great on mobile and desktop.
  • Nudging new users without accounts to create accounts to use some of the features.

I am happy to answer questions on this build.

Check out the website here:
I would appreciate if you support my Product Hunt Launch on Saturday.
You can already subscribe to the launch here


Hey @softrsimon,

Thanks for sharing the app, I’ll make sure to give a vote :slight_smile:

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