Jotform - floating feedback not working

Dear team,

I am embedding the following code, generated by Jotform, with the objective of having a floating feedback form on my Softr application.

The form however, does not appear when the script below is embedded into the Footer tab of either the landing page, or any other Softr page for that matter. Any ideas what is going wrong here?

  <script src=""></script>
    var componentID = new JF_FeedbackEmbedButton({
  buttonIcon: "default",
  buttonFontColor: "#FFFFFF",
  buttonBackgroundColor: "#007FEF",
  formId: 243581971684065
      buttonText: "Feedback",
      buttonSide: "Bottom",
      buttonAlign: "Right",
      base: "",
  <script src=''></script>
  <script>window.jotformEmbedHandler("iframe[id='" + componentID + "_iframe']", "")</script>

Have you tried using a Code Block and pasting this same code into it, also removing the code from the footer?

Just tried that, doesn’t work. The code appears in the body of the page when you view source, but the HTML is not being parsed.

Check the syntax for <script> and </script> throughout your code.

Copy and paste into ChatGPT or other AI and ask to validate.

The code works on my end, added in a static custom code block, see it here:

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Weird, I have added the code to two Softr applications, in both the page custom code (footer), and in a static code block that I added to a page. In both instances, the Jotform widget doesn’t appear.

I tried using a different browser, and it now works. It seems there was a browser security setting restricting it from showing. Thanks for the assistance!