Join Softr’s AI powered challenge for the chance to win big prizes! 🎁

:trophy: Are you ready for a challenge?

:one: Head over to the AI App Generator =>
:two: Select a prompt or get creative and come up with your unique idea.
:three: Generate your app, share the prompt and the app link in the comments below here ⇒
:four: Repost your comment for a higher chance of winning!

:exclamation: Prizes Await
Big Winner: Take home an AI-powered gadget:
:boom: Apple Watch Series 9
:boom: Bose Headphones
:boom: Roomba Combo® i5

:tada: 5 Lucky Winners: Special Softr swag, delivered straight to your doorstep.

:globe_with_meridians: Plus, the chance to be featured in the Softr Community!