JavaScript HELP - Custom Code

I’m adding a Custom Code block in a List Detail Page.
In that Custom Code block I will include a URL to open an external service (ex external form).
In that URL I need to append the email of the Softr user as well as a parameter of the record the List Detail Page is referred to.
Can someone please help me creating the correct script to create a URL which include the email of the Softr user as well as a parameter of the record the List Detail Page is referred to?
Thanks a lot

Can you create the custom code as an Airtable field, using a formula to generate it and include the data you have specified above?
You would not use a custom code block. You would add a custom code field inside of your List Details block.

Did you get this figured out?

Not yet

Did you try what @MarkSchofield suggests? I als use this method and it works fine.