Issue with Displaying Linked Tables in Conditional Filters on Softr


I’m experiencing an issue integrating a linked list as described in the Softr documentation: Linked List – Softr Help Docs.

I have set up “Users” and “Orders” tables in Airtable, which are linked. In Softr, I created a “Users” page connected to the users table and a user details page that includes a user details list and an orders details list below it.

According to the documentation, the conditional filters should now display the linked table. However, I only have the option for “Logged In User’s” and cannot see the other table.

Could someone assist me in understanding what I might have missed?

Thank you!

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“SYNC OPTIONS WITH DATA SOURCE” is just compatible with “select” fields but not with linked record fields?

On the details page, I had two list-details blocks. However, there should be a standard list block next to the list-details block, not two list-details blocks. This might be easy to miss in the documentation if you’re the same blind as me, so I’m mentioning it just in case someone else makes the same oversight. Thanks Suzie, for the help :slight_smile:

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