Is there a current issue or outage affecting Users?

Is there currently an issue with syncing the users table? I have a user account that is not behaving properly, while other accounts seem fine. I’m not seeing that there’s an airtable outage.

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There definitely seems to be a synching problem. I updated the magiclink for the user account in studio, and it did not synch the changes to airtable.


@Jakob there is no problem known to us, can you DM us the app info and we can check ?

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@artur PM sent

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Artur seems to be on it. Also, please contact our support in the meantime and they can dive deeper into this for you. Nothing outstanding on our end though!

I am already in contact with your support, but it seems like im having the same issue. Some users get duplicated for some reasons.

We have resolved user duplication issue… should be back to normal