Is Suftr Studio built in Softr?

Hey guys,

Is Softr Studio built in Softr as well?

I love how the vertical header looks with the menu at the bottom as well - looking to build something like this in terms of design, hover effect, etc.

Thanks so much in advance! :slight_smile:


HI @Tim_ClimatEU, no Softr studio is not built with Softr, it’s developed by our engineering team. If you need any help to change the vertical header we can try to make it with custom codes.


@Tim_ClimatEU softr apps soon will have way way better vertical nav coming as well as a part of blocks-redesign efforts


Really excited about this one, what’s the timeline @artur ?
If it’s live in a few weeks I can wait, but if not I need to somehow build a workaround for now :slight_smile:

Then a custom code would be really helpful @Astghik .

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@artur in the monthly update call it was mentioned that this feature will probably only role out by the end of the year, so I can’t really wait that long to have good navigation :confused:

@Astghik would it be possible to help with the custom code? :slight_smile: I’d really really appreciate that and it would add massive value.

@Tim_ClimatEU Unfortunately, it’s not that easy to do it via custom code. I would expect mid year, not end of year.

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Alright, I’ll pray for a speedy one then. It’s so hard to stay patient on the features in progess as they are all such game changers that can finally make Softr apps compete with more advanced website builders and their features :pray:

Thanks for keeping me posted @artur :slight_smile: