Invite a collaborator

Hi, I’m a new here.
I’m wondering whether Softr has a feature that invite other user or collaborator like CRM SaaS.

Hey @tomi,

Thanks for choosing Softr :star_struck:

Please check the following documentation > Workspaces and Applications – Softr Help Docs


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Sorry, my explaination was not enough for you.
I already know this feature is supported by Softr.
But my question is that when one user make their workspace like slack, and the new user invite their colleagues by email. So they can work together at the same workspace.

(1) Can we make workspace ?
(2) Can user invite their colleague at the work by email?

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Yes, you can accomplish this in a number of ways given our connections with airtable, zapier, make or even with our call API. You’d need to trigger the email from one of those external platforms, which a lot of our users are doing with success!

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Thanks a lot. Can you recommend one of good template which I can learn from this feature from the template?

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I don’t have anything that I can find at the moment, but I’ll return back if something pops up. And if this continues to be an issue, I can look into making a tutorial myself for you!

Otherwise, keep me updated if you’re unable to find anything as well!

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Thanks for your kind support. This is what I am looking for. And actually there is not many Softr users and tutorials in Korea with Korean language. So it’s a little bit difficult for me to find proper tutorial or way to solve problems.

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