Interim solution for PWA notifications

Hi Softr Support,
we asked several times about the need of having PWA notifications using Softr, and we know well that Softr is working to implement this.
By the way, it would be very nice to give us some interim solutions that we can use in the meantime waiting for the native implementation.
There are several third party services like OneSignal that already have a good no-code approach because already fully compatible with Zapier or Make.
Anyway, in order to use them, quite a bit of code (Java) is needed. Just to give an example, OneSignal requires to create some code to set an Alias or External ID to any user of the Softr app so that using Zapier or Make we can send to that specific user some notifications.
Since notifications are fundamental when we need to create field operations applications or better order management, do you think Softr guys can provide a guide (includind the code to be used) to let us use a third party service for PWA notifications?
This would be a very disruptive feature!

Has there been much progress on this? Notificaitons would help fill the gap on no SMS feature

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