Import users with existing Stripe customers

Hello everyone,

I have a couple of users to migrate from my old website to Softr. Those users also have Stripe subscriptions and therefore a “Stripe Customer” entity.
I wonder how the mapping is done between the users in Softr and the Stripe customers. Is it done with the email address ?
If I import the users from the Softr interface, will Softr match the corresponding customers in my Stripe account ?

Hi @Edouard :wave:
Yes, the email is the main unique identifier of the user in Softr.
If you import the same Softr users and use the same Stripe keys on the new app, it should match the corresponding customers.

Hi @Viktoria
Thank you for the reply. Indeed.
I was successful in connecting to the Stripe account when the email addresses match. However, I’m facing an issue in Softr where certain blocks are set to be displayed based on a user’s specific subscription in Stripe. This rule seems to be disregarded for imported users, despite their email addresses matching the Stripe email.

@Edouard this should not be the case. Can you DM us example user and their magic link so we can check ?

@artur I have checked again and it is working now.
I have tested this afternoon just after changing the email in the Stripe customers. Maybe there was some kind of cache.
So great! The migration is done. Thank you.