Hyperlinks not being formatted with Rich Text

The hyperlinks in a body of text aren’t showing as either underlined or a different color. However, they work on hover. There’s no way to set a global format for links, and within blocks, I don’t see any formatting options either. Any ideas how to fix?

With help from Softr support, it turned out that I had probably copied in some extraneous code when I copied the text. That being said, it would have been helpful to see the markdown – I would have realized that was the problem.

Also, there don’t seem to be any global settings for hyperlink styling. Only option I guess is to use CSS.


You can use html code in rich text fields :slight_smile: Maybe an interesting feature request though to make it global. I’d support it

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Yeah, there are just some very basic styling options missing in Softr. Pretty surprising, considering how sophisticated the rest of it is.