How to use custom code to get rid of grid i in a table?

I’ve tried to use the developer tools to see if i can find the div class that controls the table header which is called “ag-header-cell”.

I’m just a bit unsure what to do with this in terms of custom code?
Does anyone know how I’ll go about using custom code to get rid of grid i in a table or just the table header?


if you want to get rid of the header =>
custom code, header of the page, replace table1 by your table id

#table1 .ag-header {
  display: none;

Hi @matthieu_chateau I want to keep the header just the cell lines within the header I want to target.

Tell me if this works as you expect:

#table1 {
    display: none !important;

Does exactly what I want, thank you very, very much.