How to update a record without being logged in

Source: Airtable :innocent:
I want my Not-logged-in users (page/form is open to everyone with the link) to be able to ADD their input to my existing field.
The case:
table of Vendors with a field called “Recommended by” which has one name already in it. I want my Softr end not-logged-user to be able to “upvote” by inputing their name–> Recommended By data is updated with the additional name.


You won’t be able to use the same field, with existing data in it, to take new data into it without overwriting the existing data.

You’ll need to be creative in other ways, perhaps using a second field for the input and using an airtable automation to take the existing data in field one, add the new data from field two to it and write the new string back to field one.

Or, create a junction table. Your form will write data there, with a hidden field for the current record (vendor name) and a field for recommended-by. Then back in your Vendor table use a look-up/roll-up etc to pull in the recommended by data.

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@MarkSchofield has a good point with connection table and forms you should be able to make it happen

Alright. Got it. Thanks for this answer! @MarkSchofield
(going to read what is “roll-up” ahaha)

@MarkSchofield is the form (with the hidden vendor name field) an Airtable one or Softr one?

Simple and easy to use Softr
You can also do it with Airtable but it’s more complicated

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thanks!! will try.
Tried to thank you in a DM but see there is not way to do that here :confused:

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@MarkSchofield I tried: There is no way to connect between the hidden field of the new table back to my source table… as the item detail page’s action only lets me open a URL → Opening the Softr form with two fields only (vendor name hidden, recommended by unidden) and both go to (new) destination
I want the vendor name to be already populated :frowning:
what am i missing?

Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 22.11.19

I hadn’t realised that Action Item Buttons were not available to non-logged-in users. I would have used these for an easy way of achieving what you describe in the first post, through a simple table of Vendors (one per row) showing “Recommended by” in the second column, then:

using a second field for the input and using an airtable automation to take the existing data in field one, add the new data from field two to it and write the new string back to field one.

Hopefully someone else can suggest a way to achieve what’s needed here.

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Thanks… :confused: if there’s any expert that can help out here, feel free to tag!

Updating a record for nonlogged in users, can be as simple as integrating a third party form to update an airtable record, check out:

You can DM if you need furher help.

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