How to integrate Google AdSense to your softr website?

What exactly is the process for integrating Google AdSense into your softr website? Like where can I paste the Adsense code such that ads begin to show up ? Can you do it only by integrating custom code (which would mean that the feature is basically unavailable on the free plan, and that any free websites aren’t really monetizable by way of ads)?

Hey @louding Thanks a lot for the details! In order to integrate AdSense you will need to have a TLD (Top Level Domain) not a Softr subdomain, and yes you will need to copy and paste Google’s provided code in the header section of your app’s general settings as described in Google’s documentation here.


Thanks for your reply @Andranik. As I can see from the link that you’ve provided, the code must be pasted between the <head> and </head> tags. Could you direct me as to where I can find these tags for my app? I looked up the general settings block but I am unable to find it.

@louding Here are 2 screenshots.

Ahh, it seems I will have to switch to a premium plan to implement this. :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot nonetheless!

Sure thing! always glad to assist.

Actually I have same question, so if you don’t mind, can I have additional question?
I switch my account to premium and allow to access that ‘custom code’. However, when I paste the code that Google gave to me, it was not available. So… how can I fix this problem?