Hello everyone
I am building an app for Educational courses and each course has its Lessons. So my airtable structure is a Courses table linked with a Lessons table.
Every lesson will have quizzes, I am using tally forms to create those quizzes. I have a rich text field in lessons table which contains tally forms code, and then in softr a lessons details page for same table, at the bottom I am using “embedd field” in content fields to get values of tally forms embedd code from the Rich text field of airtable.
This embed works perfect now I have different forms on tally for each lessons quizs and everything dynamically appears on that particular lessons details page.
What I want is that when someone submits the quizzes form of tally on softr a hidden field in tally forms captures logged in users email and current lesson details record Title (which is a field in a lessons table) this will help me to send info from tally to airtable and link the logged in users score from tally to airtable and then softr.
I know this can be achieved easily with custom code block but I can’t use the custom code block to embed quizzes because it should be dynamic for each lessons and I have around 30+ lessons so can’t create this much different blocks to hide/show on different conditions.
What I want is some script or code that I can put on my airtable lessons table in rich text field or any field and map it in embedd input field of list details block and it captures logged in user email and current records Lesson title field value.
Right now I’m asking the user to put logged in user email everytime he/she attempts the quiz in tally’s quizz form. It’s not ideal right user may use a different email instead of logged in user email.
Is this achievable?