How to Display Linked Record Information and Related Orders in Softr?


I’m currently trying to list all orders from a specific client in Softr.

I have three tables: Clients, Orders, and Employees. In the Clients table, I store the users’ personal information. In the Orders table, I want to display all orders from each client.

I have already created a linked record in the Orders table to the Clients table.

Now, I’m not sure how to display the linked record. I created a page in Softr called ‘Orders’ where I list each record from the Orders table in Airtable. I’ve set up an action in the list ‘Item on click’ => Open Orders details page, and Softr created a new page for it.

On this new page, I want to display information from the current order, as well as the user’s information from the Clients table and all past orders.

What is the right way to do this? I found this video that explains it, but I’m not able to reproduce it in my case:

I added two separate list tables on the details page. In the first, I chose the Orders table as the source, and I see all the content. In the second details-list, I chose the Clients table as the source, but it’s not showing anything when testing it. In the video, I’ve seen that it’s necessary to set up a conditional filter, but I’m not sure how to set it up so that it will show the content from the Clients table.

I would appreciate any assistance on how to make this work. Thanks!