How to change the color of charts or select as defined in database?

Hi, I’m building charts with new beta chart blocks in containers, I want to customize the color of the charts but I don’t see any option. There are options in the style panel to select single, as defined in datasource and randoms. But when I choose as defined in the data source those don’t work. I have tried the custom code but no results.

I tried this:

window['chart1-colors'] = ['#FFFF00', '#FF0000', '#008000', '#0000FF'];

Anyone can help, thank you!!

This is supposed to be an upcoming additional native feature for new charts.

For custom code => nothing to give as the chart css selectors are all unstable (they can change from week to week suddenly)

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Hi, I see it now, thank you for the quick support, good to hear the team is working on it.