How to add visual transition effects?

Hello everyone!

I am working on the development of a new tool, and I want to make the website directly with for easy management.

I have a question:
Is there any way to apply transition effects/animations between objects or when scrolling down/up? CSS effects

Is there any example so I can see the structure and learn how to apply it to my project?

Thanks for your help.
Best regards.

Hey @RafaPG,

Can you please mention on which block do you want to apply those effects?

Thanks in advance.

sorry for the delay.

I am used to work with Carrd another no code platform for quick landing.

Among its functions are the transitions in the container/image blocks when you scroll.

These effects give a bit of dynamism to the web.
Is it possible to implement these effects?
Effects Scroll

Hey @RafaPG,

Thanks for the screenshot, I will add this as a feature request :slight_smile:


Hi @Suzie !

Itโ€™s been a while since I raised the question.

Is there any improvement in this regard?

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Hey @RafaPG,

Itโ€™s with regret that I should mention that we do not have an update on this yet and cannot mention any estimation on when we this feature will be implemented.

hi, just found this thread and I would also like these dynamic extras to work. So +1 from me for moving this up on the feature request list :). thanks.

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Same from me!!!

@Suzie @Lauren @ckoerner @RafaPG :point_down:t6:

Solution: How to add visual transitions to your softr landing page.

Hi @cooper

While this is not a feature currently available at Softr, you can accomplish this by injecting code into the page or the blocks. Unfortunately I donโ€™t have any code snippets that I can share with you for this, but maybe you can find something helpful here:

Thanks JJ, my link provides the solution!

Oh :man_facepalming:t3: !!! sorry, i read your message wrong!! Thanks for taking the time to provide the solution :pray:t4:

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