How does Softr create and update its sitemap?

Hey guys :wave:

Over time, I’ve changed the URLs of my details pages, for instance from “job-details” to “job”.

Somehow, in the sitemap, there are still all the “job-details” URLs and none of the “job” URLs, which are crucial for me.

Any idea how I can recreate a sitemap?

Also, I seem to have 5 sitemaps?

<sitemapindex xmlns="">

This is what my sitemap looks like.

Hello @Tim_ClimatEU Thanks a lot for reaching out, first of all because of that your sitemap is pretty big we combine each group of pages into a single sitemap URL for example as it is mentioned in yours sitemap1, sitemap2, sitemap3, etc…
When it comes to generating, Softr periodically generates the sitemap, however you can do that from your side too by typing in
A small note that it could take couple of hours until a new sitemap is generated, plus making sure that is your app is published is a good idea.

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Thank you so much, Andranik! That really helps!

Do I need to keep the tab:

open while it is generating the new sitemap?

No that is not needed @Tim_ClimatEU , I saw your question in the other thread this was related to the thread also as an extra tip I recommend you to upload all those Sitemap URLs to Google Search console and you can request force indexing on Google to recrawl.

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Thank you, Andranik!!
Is there any way to ask Softr to auto-generate the sitemap every day?
We post jobs daily, so it’s a bit problematic for us to have to regenerate and to upload 8 urls again every day.

Hi @Andranik, as a tangentially related topic, I was wondering how much control users have over Softr sitemap generation. Does Softr automatically submit all pages to the sitemap, or only non-conditionally-filtered pages? For example, if I have a list details page that is reserved exclusively for logged in users, will that page be submitted to the sitemap to be crawled and indexed by search engines?

That can be configured in the page settings, see the button “Search enginge indexing” in the SEO section.

And when it comes to list details blocks you can add a true/false value in the record in your data source. See List Details Block Overview – Softr Help Docs

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Thanks for the help! I was able to toggle off indexing for the desired pages.

What will adding a true/false value in the record accomplish? Are you referring to using conditional filtering or a filtered view on the block-level data source to hide records?


I think the Help docs explains it pretty well. When you have a list details page you might want to index only some records in the data source, and set up specific meta data for those records. Since there is only one list details page, you need to configure that in your data source. See example below from the help docs:

Since there’s only one List Details page for a specific List, you can define custom SEO parameters for each List item page within your data source.

SEO:Index – indicates whether the list item page should be indexed or not. Can take yes/no, 1/0, true/false values. If positive, the page will be indexed by search engines and added to Sitemap.
SEO:Slug – Here you can define a custom URL slug for the item page. If left empty, the automatically-generated slug will be used for the item page.
SEO:Title – Custom meta title for the page.
SEO:Description – Custom meta description for the page.