How do I link a form response on a listing detail page, to a specific listing in Airtable?

Im building a marketplace and at the bottom of each listing detail page i have a form that allows the viewer to apply for the listing which then sends their response to the listing owner. Since the same listing detail page is used for every listing item but the content changes depending on the lisiting clicked. I don’t have a way to connect the form response from the viewer with the listing in my airtable base. How could i do this so that each form response in my airtable also shows the listing they applied for?

Any help is greatly appreciated thanks

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Hi there!

Welcome to our community, and thank you for your question. For this particular use-case, you need to:

  1. Have two separate tables in your base: one will show the listing details, and the other will be for the form submissions on the listing details. Have these two tables linked.

  2. On your form, add a hidden field that will grab the current record parameters. This will help you identify in your base for which record the form has been submitted. If a user is on the list details page of an A record, the hidden field will grab the record parameter of that A record. Similarly, if they are on a B list details page, it will dynamically grab the record parameter of the B listing. Please check this doc for more details on hidden fields.

I hope this helps with your use-case.