How do I implement a search to retrieve unique records from Google Sheets?

Hi All,

I am trying to create a search bar that is capable of allowing a non-logged in user to search using a secure “ID” column, basically a uniquely created identifier.

Im getting stuck at the point where the search works, but instead of beginning from a “blank” search all of the records in my “ID” column are appearing and then when a matching ID is entered in the search, the search is refined and only shows the ID that was entered.

My intended user experience is to start with a blank seach and return results based on the ID entered, without a user needing to be logged in. I feel like I am missing something so simple to make this work. Help!

Might want to put a step in between there.
You can try the route to first create a form with an ID input form to then link to a url that has the filters in its URL as described: here

Implementation can be a bit tricky but with Airtable as a DB it worked like a charm.

There might be Javascript solutions out there but I like to take no-code routes when possible since we are using no-code tools ^^

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I will give this a shot and report back! Totally with you on no code where possible, kind of the point :slight_smile: