Yes this is possible with user groups in the app settings.
For your use case: you will create a user group called “Have record for {Airtable table}”
Then you will select “loggedin user” then the field in the users table that you are interested in. Then click “is not empty”.
Note that if the specific field in Airtable is not in your users table = no problem.
Create a “link to an other record” field in your users table and that’s it. You will be able to reference this field in the user groups settings, as mentioned above.
Once all this is done, go to the visibility conditions of your form block. Check the loggedin user option and then check the specific user group.
If you want to display a cta block or an other form for the users that have this empty field (better for user experience), you will need to create the opposite user group, which means you will replace the condition by “is empty”.
You will apply that user group to the visibility condition of your CTA block (o other form or whatever you think it’s the best for the user experience, for your specific use case)