Hide Full Name for Editing User Profile?

I’m trying to configure the user profile block and want to have users edit a number of things, but I don’t want them to edit their name. Is there any way to hide this element?

Alternatively, is there a better block or way of allowing edits to profile information I’m storing in Airtable? It’s around 15 items I want to let people modify.

Why don’t you want users to be able to edit their name? What is a user expected to do when their name changes?

(Obligatory reference to Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names, item #7.)

I was thinking more along the lines of having a separate page entirely for changing just name/password. So basically splitting information that is more likely to change (address, phone, occupation) from information that is less likely to change. Just to prevent accidental changes.

Perhaps better approach would be if we enable it in the block via toggle to enable or disable the editing of name field. I will talk to team members…


PS if you want to truly, madly, deeply geek out on the concept of names, read There Is No Such Thing as a Legal Name, which carefully explains, with footnotes, that the idea of a “legal name” that applies in all contexts is a kind of shared delusion that we need to wake up from. TL;DR: most people think the function signature is getLegalName() but it’s actually getLegalName(specificLegalContext).


ok, but in my application I need name and email to be validated and synced with other apps, so allowing users to freely change them is inconvenient. Also, it does not seem reasonable NOT to have a way of allowing users to change their password on a simple form with “old password / new password” and nothing else.

Hi @artur

Currently, I’m aiming to allow users to edit only some picture and text fields, but not their names within this profile block (which is essential, as it allows the user to see directly the image and text he had previously configured).

For the context, the user’s names and mail are managed on a separate dedicated page for profile information, and we also have another page specifically for email signature configuration.

Would it be possible to hide the “Name” and “Email” fields in the User Profile Block to avoid redundancy and potential user confusion? I’d love to hear your team’s perspective on this.

Thank you :sunflower:

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Am following up on this as I have a need for this functionality as well. Seeing that my app is an internal app, any changes to name or email address will be handled by the IT team. So essentially Name and Email Address would be read only.

Users will only have the option to change their password. I tried with a customisable form but I don’t get the necessary options to update the password.


Hey @SynopsisLabs,

Please check this thread, there is a custom code that allows hiding the name and email fields.

Thanks but rather than hide them completely it is possible to make them read only?

Yes possible we will share a small code snippet next week

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