Hidden fields in Add Record?

My Softr site has a page for an individual record, that has a list-block showing all related records (AirTable linked tables). I need to allow the user to add a record to the list-block that inherits the link to the parent/individual record.

I have currently solved this by causing the “Add Record” button to instead link to a Form below the list-block which has a hidden field that creates the correct link. However, this workaround introduces a few issues: 1. On form submission the page doesn’t automatically refresh to show the new linked records, user has to manually refresh. 2. It’s slighly less user-friendly and immersive than the proper Add Record modal.

Is there a better solution? Will this functionality ever be incorporated into Add Record function? Ideally there’s an option when setting up the Add Record to write all the values that are filtered in the list-block to which the Add Record function is attached.


Hi Mirkanu,

You can create a hidden field just as you do in a from.

So add the field and make it hidden

then grab the value from wherever you need it

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