Help with "Generate More OpenAi responses" Button

Hello community,

I’m working on an app that includes a feature where users fill out a form, and the data triggers an OpenAI generation via, and the response is saved in Airtable. Users can view these generations in a list block.

I want to add a “Generate More” button in the list block. This button should allow users to generate additional OpenAI responses for a specific record in Airtable (with the previous data from the form).

Can someone guide me how to set it up? Since when adding a new action button to the list block, it doesn’t allow me to trigger the flow.

Thank you!

Hey @Adprime Thanks a lot for all the details! We will be adding the send to webhooks action on Action buttons by mid January next year, so that would let you generate more responses within your dynamic list block.

Best regards,

Thanks for the info. Is there any workaround for now? Maybe I can display the data somehow different and add a button which will trigger a webhook?

Here is an approach that you can take a look at
It would be a form block that sends to make and then results will be populated on a list block.

Thanks. Currently I set it up like this and I didn’t find a way to generate more results in the list block. So was wondering if there is any workaround to this

I see what you are referring to @Adprime , as you are willing to generate more responses in a single record, we will need to wait for the new feature to be released.

Best regards,