Google Maps block upgrade

Google Maps block upgrade:

  • if multiple records on exact same position, pop-up with sliding between those records
  • add-on list, list-details and/or table block the maps block so we can use the same filters and search parameters as the map.

If anyone has a custom-code solution for one of above I would be very grateful :v:

Hi @J_1
Thanks for the requests.
Let me share a workaround for the first request, meanwhile I will share the second one with the team to consider for improvements.

Indeed, currently, when there are several locations with the same address, the Google Maps marker shows the number of locations but doesn’t open each item separately (e.g. if there are several events happening at the same place, they can’t be differentiated on the Google maps)

Here is a workaround to separate the markers:

Longitude + CONCATENATE("0", ".", "0000",Random)

Hope it helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for sharing that! This actually a very workable solution for us in our use-case! Which is people in the area. Although indeed for the use case of a single venue hosting multiple events it can still be problematic.

I saw something about the ability to load the popup with an iframe or something. Maybe it can be modified in a way to have sliding cards :man_shrugging:

As for the integrate list details that auto-populates the records that are set for the map filters. If this can be provided in a standard block by Softr that would be very nice to have.

For now I’ll take this workaround. So thanks again.

@J_1 were you able to achieve this? I need more customization on Maps, were you able to achieve it?

The workaround worked for me to get multiple items close to each other, so practically in the same place. It was good enough for me.

Never have gotten a list block and map block working in tandem when filtering and with search. Which is a real shame as I believe it’s a real useful use-case for many of us.

I used this workaround but still some organizations show on the same (2) location and Google Maps doesn’t open each item separately.

I have the longtitude formula with random number in place and set to number with 8 decimals.

What do I need to do to make sure Google Maps opens each item separately?

You can see the example here: Goede Doelen Nederland Landkaart

All longtitude_formula fields show a different “number” using the random number:

longitude longtitude_formula
5.083969199999999 5.08399660
5.083969199999999 5.08399980
5.083969199999999 5.08400590
5.083969199999999 5.08400790
5.083969199999999 5.08402160
5.083969199999999 5.08405840
5.083969199999999 5.08406860
5.083969199999999 5.08397946

But still some are on the same address in Google Maps where you can’t open the items separately.

Any idea why this is happening even though all longtitude_formula fields have a different number?

If possible increase the dofference a tiny bit.

Also, when you zoom in doesn’t the pin split into multiple pins?

@J_1 How do I increase the difference a tiny bit using the formula?

Indeed if you zoom in the pin splits into multiple pins but still some on the same address are bind together so you still see (2) and can’t see what’s under these 2.

I tried with

Longitude + CONCATENATE(“0”, “.”, “000”,Random)
Longitude + CONCATENATE(“0”, “.”, “00000”,Random)

3 zero’s and 5 zero’s but then the locations are too far from eachother.

And big question I set the formula to 8 decimal spaces as this is the most decimals possible. Is this enough? or …?

So this post helped to get better results but still some are not okay and having 1.000 records on the map the random number is between 1 and 1000 and if the offset is done with 1000 I think the location is getting too far from the real address?