Get user Timezone or Convert time from airtable

I am developing an application for users form different timezones so I set airtable date fields to be in GMT. Now for the front end user on Softr, I want to display to him his local time and not the GMT.
Also when the user sends a date, I want it to be saved in the airtable as GMT and not the user’s timezone.

You can build apps to support any timezone in the world and there is no need for a special feature in softr to handle timezones.

You have to work on the airtable side, to allow users to select a time zone in your app’s config and then via formula reflect the right timing to your users.

Thanks once more @acjnas for taking good care of me.
The users of the app will be moving from one time zone to another ecery now and then. I can’t rely on the user to change his location.
Is there anyway to send the user’s timezone everytime he opens the application?

any updates here @kelshaer or anyone else ? experience the same thing? I was thinking I could ask the user to also input their timezone in the softr app ? only thing is that im not sure how to have date, time, timezone on one line. any guidance ? thanks !