Format of date field in Add record action

Hi, I’m having a date field in the Add record action. When selecting this field, the only option I have is a date picker and it’s long to position when, for exemple, I want to specify a date in the past (ex. 1959-01-01). Is there a way to allow entering the date ? Also, in update mode, it shows up as january 1 1959, instead of in the ISO format I use.

Hi, I have the same issue. Will be good at least, permit to write on the text box the date… I’m using the Update Action on my records. Also, if I want to delete the date, it’s not possible.

Same here. If I need to add a birth date or someone over 40, which is 90% of our demographic, the amount of time spent clicking is ridiculous.

Piling on here! Would love some updates to the date picker. Maybe with the conditional forms release? :-). Need to be able to null out a date if one has been selected. Would like to be able to enter date directly as well.

Hey Folks, we are already working on the improvement of this to make the navigation through years smoother when picking.

Same problem here, any update on this matter? :slight_smile:

@Andranik Any updates on this. It is really needed

@Andranik Any updates on this?

Hey Folks,
This is expected in Mid February with the release of Forms 2.0 stay tuned!


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not yet?

@racamp425 Conditional forms are already live!


NOt yet??

@Andranik We are all still waiting. Maybe to clarify: The Conditional Forms that you released do not cut it when you need to use the update Profile Element, which, of course, we are all talking about :wink:

Hey folks to clarify the issue is this about going back in time or defining output format of the date ?

The issue is getting from here to, let’s say, August 1950, without needing to click through every single month between now and the desired date.

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still waiting

We desperately need this also. Using a date picker to set a date of birth (or any date in the past really) is not at all intuitive nor user-friendly. It would be great to have the option to disable the date picker in favour of keyboard entry