Form redirect with webhook response from Make : error message from softr

Hi, i’m building a C2C bike rental software for Mountain eBikes : Air-Bikes . com

I’m using the amazing tutotrial from @Gabrielle :heart:
To connect my app with Stripe Connect using Make.

I’m having issue with the webhook response.
When user click the form button i want them to redirect to the new stripe Connect URL dedicated for them to create a stripe Connect account.

But i’m getting a failed error message from softr :disappointed_relieved:

Here is my configuration on softr :

Can someone please help me understand what i’m doing wrong :pray: ?

here’s my configuration on Make :
Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 17.58.05

And my error message :
Screenshot 2024-08-30 at 17.49.23

Make the status code 200 and it will run with you

The 302 status is for redirecting using custom header as attached

Hey @ArnaudHuvelin, we checked your app and found the reason for the error message. It will be fixed with one of the upcoming app updates.

Meanwhile, you can try using our conditional form block for which your flow will work as expected.

Thanks for the idea, but it didn’t worked :confused:
And this time, not even an error message from softr :cry:

Thanks for the idea.

I just tried it, but know it opens a blank new tab on my browser ^^"

I’ll wait for the update :slight_smile:

After form submission action, set to “Do nothing”

Same, does nothing :confused:

Try changing form2 to form1 in your code, and don’t forget to publish the app

Thanks for your help, but it still does nothing :cry:

Hello @ArnaudHuvelin from your initial screenshot I realized that you were using some different characters, can you please try using those (quotation marks in my screenshot)? and set the status to 200

Instead of yours?

thanks ! It worked ! <3