Folders for Pages

This is a suggestion for the Studio interface itself - It would be really nice to be able to organize pages in folders. I’m not even suggesting that a folder would affect the pages nested architecture in the app itself, it would just be nice to be able to organize the pages panel. Given that the client portal is one of the most popular use cases, it would be helpful for any developer to be able to organize transactional views/pages for earlier reference etc.


I totally agree with this.
Common use case that will happen in the future: you click on a button, it opens a modal with just a form inside of it. Some apps may have 10 forms.
A folder “form pages” would make the work process easier.
Of course, it can apply to any specific pages group of an app


Hey @bryan.stafford,

Thanks for your feedback.

Yeap, we have received this feature request from a number of users too and we have it in our list.

Indeed, this will make the working process easier as @matthieu_chateau mentioned.


Yup! Fully support this, would be great to be able to keep things organised. My current workaround is to make “hidden” pages as dividers


SHUUUUU! I do the same thing. I’m glad to not be alone there :slight_smile:

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Will add another 2 more + for this feature request :slight_smile:


Haha definitely not alone there @bryan.stafford! Sometimes you gotta get creative with the limitations you are given ya know!

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Adding another +1 to this request!

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Hey @ParkAmstutz,

Another + has just been added :slight_smile: I will try to discuss this and give an update to you here.


Will have more than 50+ pages soon.

If I where to implement any CMS / Blog for SEO purposes, this would reach 250+ within the next 12 months!

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Hey @erikm3103,

Thanks for the feature request. Unfortunately, I cannot mention exact timeline on when it will be ready, but I will make sure to pass this request to our product team.

I was about to write a feature request and stumbled upon this post. Meanwhile, I use @shu workaround.

Here is a simulation using my nonperfect-but-we-can-deal-with-it photoshop skills:

Happy to know it is on Softr’s list! :partying_face:

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Thanks for sharing @ob95 :slight_smile:

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Very needed! +1 for this request

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Adding a +1 for this feature too. Currently on 200+ pages and struggling!

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Hey @rebeccajane,

Thanks for your feedback. I’m gonna pass it to the team.

Hi, yes please. I have a lot of pages for differents languages and I want to group them . when it will be available?

It looks like this never happened. Was there an alternative created or are we still just waiting?

genuinely creative idea! I’ll start doing the same while waiting for folder functionality.

Add another for file management!

+1 for this request! My pages are getting out of hand and I need a better way to categorise them for my sanity.