Feature requests for various blocks

  1. Standard Text Blocks on List Details need to reference values from the airtable row for dynamic text.

  2. Left / Center / Right Formatting for Title on Lists / chart block. Also variables for titles in these blocks.

  3. Click action on Map block

  4. Grid block is not viewable by any means on mobile. Look at this example of a good grid.
    Rental Market Trends for the US & Canada - Zumper

  5. You can’t style much of a chart block, including title or background color of the grid lines. Doesn’t help when you want to change the background of the page.

  6. Sorting on lists

My softr site: https://www.rentsmart.fyi/

Here is an example:
I’d rather this be a string with the text referencing a field from the row

Hi @aar0n thanks for sharing the improvements you would like to see :raised_hands:

  1. Could you share more context on how you would use portable value reference Standard Text Blocks on List Details?

  2. We have Title alignment for List but not for Charts block. We will consider adding it to the new version of Charts blocks. Also, we have recently added a local {LOGGED_IN_USER:NAME} variable that can be used in text fields. What type of variables are you looking to have here?

  3. What type of click action are you referring to? Click to open the page.

  4. We’re working on a new version of the grid block, and the mobile experience will be improved.

  5. Thanks for the feedback; we plan to work on a new version of the Charts and will share your feedback with the PM.

  6. I believe we addressed this in another chat.

If you come across another list of ideas/feedback you want to share, feel free to send it directly to the product team via this form.

  1. I would like to use in Title / Sub Title on blocks, and in standard text blocks.

  2. Similar to one and the screenshot I attached above. Referencing fields from the row on List detail pages in titles/ subtitles/ any text field.

  3. Yes

Thank you!

Thanks for the additional context, @aar0n . Will share this with the team for future consideration :+1:

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Here is why #1 is needed:

Thanks for sharing, @aar0n. If this is a details page, you could use the List Detail dynamic block and show the city name field directly here. Is there a reason this doesn’t work for you?

It is a list details, but I want the ability to write more text and I’d have to do it in Airtable