Event registeration - softr, zapier/make, stripe

Hey, our team has been having an issue concerning moving data between softr, zap/make, and stripe. Would love your help and how we can go around this!

The specifics are:
There’s a dynamic event details page, where it displays all the different events from airtable events table (unique events). To register through the event details page, you need to sign in first and then your prompted to a stripe checkout modal (pricing different based on event type). We would like to add/update the events table or somewhere on airtable to add the user who have successfully registered for the event (knowing that stripe one-time payment was successful). Assuming that it’s possible to add/update records on the events table for “registered users” linked field (m2m relationship), we would like to send event registration confirmation email to that user/users and include all the specific event details that he/she registered for, so that these event details need to be captured somewhere along.

Would highly appreciate anyone’s help or input in figuring this flow out, thanks so much!

Did you ever find a solution?