Error when trying to access a database in MariaDb

When trying to synchronize the users saved in a table in a MariaDb database this error is shown, the same app was using Airtable to manage the users and it works without problem. The same happens with all the blocks that we use in our app.

There are issues with connection to usuarios. Please fix them to ensure your users can log in.

Detal error:
400 Bad Request: “{“message”:“Unable to fetch records for application with id=‘usuarios’ Primary field is missing”}”

The same app is working without problems with Airtable, but we are migrating to MariaDb due to limitations in the number of records we can process, hence the need to be able to use MariaDb as a data source. Even if we make an app from scratch and try to access the records we have in MariaDb, it shows us the same error. The connection works and the fields and everything are shown, but when trying to put them in a software block, this error occurs.

@omendez can you please double check if your table in mariaDB has a primary key ? Sending some docs on it too MySQL PRIMARY KEY Constraint