Embed video from google drive into details page?

Has anyone successfully embed a video from google drive into a details block using a URL or embed code?

FWIW I have been able to embed google drive videos using the custom code block in softr. This is working pretty well.

Hey @Redwolf - what data source are you using?

If you have the embed codes in a cell (for example in Airtable) you can choose the “Embed” field type and have that embedded video appear in that field.

The embed didn’t work for presenting (streaming) video straight from google drive. I tried everything. The only way to get it present properly was using the custom code block and inserting the video link into the default syntax within the custom code block.

though… you sparked a thought. regular links or default embed syntax from google were not working but… I wonder if I used that same specific syntax from the custom code panel, and put that in an airtable field, then tried to embed using that exactly syntax into an embed field? hmmmm… be right back

Yep… that worked. the problem was not with the softr embed field. The issue was getting the syntax right. So, my next step will be to add a field for the google drive link itself in airtable… THEN build a new URL field which is a concatenation field of the syntax + that link field which should result in a usable embed value. So when I update project record with the new google drive link, the embeded content should work. stay tuned…

@Redwolf This method is exactly what I’ve used on a few projects - that was going to be another suggestion! Glad you’re working through it. :slightly_smiling_face:

@jstrupek Yes! I have proven this concept. It requires a very specific link from google which is the “preview” link, but it does work.

Just to recap. I can insert a URL Link into an airtable field (via softr) which is then used to build another field in airtable that appends that URL with the required syntax for it to work properly in the softr embed field type within a page. I am very happy.

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