Embed a dynamic Airtable view in list details block?

Good morning friends,

I’m experimenting with some tweaks to a project info app I have. One thing I’ve been asked to include for each project is the ability for the user to implement a project timeline. What I was hoping to do was use the embed feature in a list details block to show a formula field from Airtable, which combines Airtable’s own iframe embed code for a Timeline or Gantt view with a URL component to filter based on a given project, so each project page would only show the timeline records related to it.

Currently, my embed formula field looks like this:

CONCATENATE('<iframe class="airtable-embed" src="https://airtable.com/embed/shrQ8FFG41YmFsU07?&filter_Project=&',ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({Project}),' &backgroundColor=yellow" frameborder="0" onmousewheel="" width="100%" height="533" style="background: transparent; border: 1px solid #ccc;"></iframe>')

Or as an image, if it’s more helpful:

However, nothing displays at all in my app - but, interestingly, it does appear when building it in Softr Studio:

…so I think I’m close to the right solution?

I have previously done something very similar to successfully embed dynamic Google Data/Looker Studio dashboards in my app, so I am imagining this is also possible with a few tweaks.

Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
