Emails / CRM / Unsubscribe best practices?

I’m currently setting up proper e-mail automations for my Softr page and was wondering what email tech stacks you guys use. It seems like there are three options:

  1. Use an email service like MailChimp and send new users over via Zapier
  2. Use a CRM such as Hubspot with integrated emails
  3. Build my own automation via Airtable where I build my own unsubscribe button via and simply send out the e-mail based on automations.

I’d love to hear how you’re all currently approaching email marketing and CRMs - build your own or just plug in other tools?

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Mailchimp is better for mass emails than HubSpot. Excluding other HubSpot fees, the costing of Marketing emails on HubSpot vs email sends in Mailchimp is most likely cheaper.

HubSpot is better if you’re looking to send one-to-one emails alongside a rich contact profile and plane on integrating other HubSpot features into your app like forms, tracking cookies, etc.

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Have you had any experience just building it yourself in Airtable?

Hi @Tim_ClimatEU I agree with three posibilities yo wrote above. After having tested different alternatives, I am using this one because it works in a really nice way… it is old sendinblue

PD: My steps are from Softr> Airtable>Make>Brevo. I prefer do it in this way because I complete info before sending all info to Brevo

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@Tim_ClimatEU Did you make any decisions in the end?

I use Airtable + Make for emails my B2B clients. It’s a relatively small email list (<300).

I just recently played around with an unsubscribe button. It works via webhook from just clicking the link. The problem I’ve discovered upon first trial is that some spam filters auto-click these links, resulting in an unintended unsubscription.

This made me appreciate the utility in a further stage of having to click something on the resulting unsubscribe page. My only quandry for that would be how to pass the email address of the person onto the softr unsubscription page… I’d be all ears to anyone who has a solution to this.

Currently, I have a really unelegant approach where users land on a page that has a logged in and a logged out interface. If they’re logged out, they need to type in their email, if they’re logged in, they just need to set their emails to “none”.

Not very elegant at this point, but I’m looking to find a dedicated email tool that I integrate with anyway, mabye Brevo or Mailchimp or …

I just have a lot of users, so it gets really expensive for me with other tools.

Raul, is this working well for you?
I’ve been looking at Brevo but wasn’t sure how well I can integrate it.
How complicated was the integration for you?

@Tim_ClimatEU, how did you get on with this in the end? What email integration do you recommend?

I’m currently still using Airtable, but I’m looking to transition to I found that a really good way to keep it well organized. I’m still figuring out how to best synch Loops and Airtable.

thanks, had a quick look at loops.sp but yeah could not see a straightforward airtable or softr integration - i’m guessing it’s going to have to go through some webhooks? I’ve reached out to loops to see if they have recommendations to make this work. I’ll report back here when they get back to me, but if you figure it out in the meantime @Tim_ClimatEU , please let me know!

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Yes, I was also thinking that probably some continous synch via would be the best solution?

I haven’t figured it out yet though. Will definitely keep you posted.

Likewise - would be great to hear how you went about it and if it worked for you!

the guys at loops still ahven’t got back to me, but I was thinking along the same lines - it seems an automation where a new airtable record can trigger adding a new contact to mailing services like brevo (or I guess loops too) is feasible. From there you’d create automations within the mailing servce itself , eg when enw contact is added to list, send welcome email, when airtable record gets modified in this way, send this email to contact, etc… Not the cleanest to be honest and feels prone to breaking so I’m not in love with that system. Thre should really be some internal emailing functionality for softr.

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Ideally, I would also have changes be reflected in Loops such as a user finally updating their profile picture or so, so I would need to send new records over and I would need to reflect updates - a bit trickier maybe.