dynamic embed code in custom code

In my softr app, I have a page where I am using a custom code block, my app is connected to Airtable, where there is a field that contains the code that I want to use, is there a way that I can use to dynamically inject that code from airtable to my custom code block in softr?

Hello @SarahFaisal,

In this case you need to connect the field from Airtable to a dynamic block > embed field type. This way you will be able to display the code dynamically.

Is it possible to embed the details page of a list item in an embedded field of the list item?

  • List Item 1
    • Details Page of List Item 1
  • List Item 2
    • Details Page of List Item 2

Can we add variables to an Embed Block, I only see an iFrame ID that I guess includes an UUID