Dropdown with list of options from Airtable

Just wanted to say I’m super stoked about the upcoming ability to filter user-specific options in the SOFTR dropdowns. It’s gonna make things much easier and personalized! Can’t wait!

I’m really hurting without this feature.

My app has a database of songs, allows users to add them to their library, and then to create a listening session where they can log which songs they listened to.

When using the Add Record button on a list block, a drop down field’s list shows every users collected songs across all libraries instead of only the logged in user’s library of songs, completely breaking the ability to add a listening session feature.

Using a work around method I could allow users to go to a song detail page and select a listening session to add the song to, but this is a terrible user experience and there would be no way to allow the user to remove songs from their listening session without also exposing every user’s library of songs.

I’m really, really suck here without the ability to filter drop down fields on the Add Records button to linked records belonging to the logged in user.

Not sure how to proceed and launch my app without this…

Hello everyone,

While waiting for the feature release (no clear timeline), have someone managed to find a workaround to filter user-specific options in the SOFTR dropdowns?

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@matthieu_chateau @Suzie … any luck with the filtered drop-down problem? Airtable has an option for this (as shown in the image). It works well within Airtable but Softr is not able to apply this filter and picks up all the options available.

Can someone please help with this?