Double "http" for links from airtable that have "," and "."

Hey Softr team,

We’re encountering a bug where url’s pulled from Airtable show with a double “http”, making them un-clickable.

This is not happening for all links, but some. The pattern appears to be that links with “,” or “.” or other punctuation in the last part of the url are the ones that have issues.

All of these links are correct in our Airtable DB (no double http).

Here are some examples:

The problem -
Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 5.49.54 PM

Working Link-

Broken Link-

I’m sure we’re not the only ones experiencing this glitch, please take a look. It is important for us that these links display correctly.


@JohnK looking into it. What block did you see this happening ?

Hi John, by any chance, the url values, in Airtable are between a " or a ’ or nothing? I mean the whole url

List details


The AT values do not have quotes

Seems that some urls have dots that causes this and we are also doing a fix for this. Most probably deleting the dot will fix

These are imported URLs. There are periods and commas (maybe more). Technically these may not be valid (not an expert) but the URL field should just take the entire string and wrap it in the href tag and not add extra " " marks. If the URL is not valid and therefore doesn’t resolve, that’s our challenge. For the Softr block the URL field should not care if the string is valid, right?

Fix will come sooon :slight_smile: we will let you know

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Thanks @artur vvvvvvvv

@artur Thanks for taking a look so quickly! Very much appreciate the responsiveness.

@johntreadway thanks for jumping in to answer the questions!

@artur following up here to see if there are any updates. Thanks!

Hi @JohnK checked with the team. Seems to be fixed. Can you pls recheck in your end too ?

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@artur We’re still having problems. the double https is now gone, however, there are still parentheses around the link. Please see image below.
Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 3.03.41 PM

Hey @JohnK,

The team is working on a fix, will keep you posted :slight_smile:

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Any update?

I will update you tomorrow on this :slight_smile: I think we have fixed it but not sure if it’s deployed or not…

@johntreadway and @JohnK do you have a link where this persists ? Please DM I would like to check it. We have done few fixes and can’t reproduce on our end. Pls share yours and I will check.

Seems to be working now. You can go to and view any profile where the name has punctuation. Click on AWS Profile link under “Cloud Program Participation”

We have an internal issue causing some links to be bad - but the ones that do display seem to be fine.


Hi Softr team, this issue seems to be going on for me. I have images referenced as urls in airtable, and I am displaying them in softr, but whenever there is a , : or ) in the url, softr drops the rest of the url. For example; I have this image/url referenced:

but it doesn’t display in Softr and when I inspect, the background image url only lists:

It has removed everything starting with the “,” and after, breaking the reference.

@siyu we are checking this one. Is there a public link we can check ?

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