Does Softr Showcase page work?


Whenever I click on Made with Softr, I see the following:

I tried in different browsers too. I submitted an app that I built with Softr recently, just wanted to check whether it was selected to be showcased or not. Since it did not ask for any email while submitting, I don’t think there is any way to communicate as well.

Is that link alive?

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Looking at this page, and it’s working for me. Maybe Airtable was having trouble when you tried last? Thanks for letting us know and welcome back to the forum, @prettycold !

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Thanks for the warm welcome @Jjenglert :grinning:

I face this issue whenever I try, not just today.

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Hmmmm, that is very strange. Maybe its a browser thing not letting you load all of the data? I’ll ask around to see if its not working for anyone else!

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Thanks for checking @Jjenglert . Probably let me check from my mobile once.

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