Displaying images stored in Google Drive

Hello there,

I have a bunch of images I have stored in a google drive folder that I would like to bring in as URLs in my Airtable so that I may display to users without storing the actual images on Airtable.

I would like to display the images either individually or as a gallery for a single record (each record may have up to 5 images).

What is the best way for me to bring in these URLs so it behaves similar to storing images natively in Airtable in the attachment field where I use the image or image gallery field in Softr?

Should I store each link as 1 field or can I get away with putting them all into the same text field, separated by a comma?

For reference, my URLs will look like this : https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id={File-ID#}

Thanks in advance!


You are able to references images stored in your google drive on the image gallery or image field type via this type of URL:


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hi @flavi , I also want to show multiple images that stored in google drive in to gallery in softr. I already have the link that you have mentioned, and I put them all in 1 field separated by comma. And turned out it can not appear at the website. How did you manage to do it? thanks in advance

I’m also very keen to find a solution for this!

@tirza make sure your images are shared publicly in GDrive.

thank you for answering, the problem is google drive already change link format to
https://lh3.google.com/u/0/d/{Google File ID}


I can’t thank you enough for posting this! I just swapped all of my link formats over, and all of my images reappeared.

It seems that Google made an update 1/10/24 into 1/11/24 that requires the image link format to be the below now.


Where previously, the below was the correct format.


:heart_eyes: :pineapple: :call_me_hand: :palm_tree:

@abowen-hbros, thanks for sharing! this is a global change as noted here by Google Google Workspace Updates: Upcoming changes to third-party cookie requirements in Google Drive

Others complain about this too… Images from Google drive in embedded HTML no longer working - Sites Community

In general, Google is rolling out changes on multiple systems, including Chrome, to get rid of third-party cookies, and it affects tons of apps/use cases. Preparação para a desativação dos cookies de terceiros  |  Privacy Sandbox  |  Google for Developers

The solution you shared: https://lh3.google.com/u/0/d/file-id only works when one is logged in to Google. I tried it on incognito, and it did not work, unfortunately.

My quick fix here would be to explore also putting files/images into other file/image hosting services like dropbox/box etc…

Just seeing your reply @artur, this is much appreciated detail. I have an internal portal that requires Google SSO, which was unaffected. But, I hadn’t verified my public site this way yet and will not be exploring alternatives that I can automate with Apps Scripts.


Hi, I can’t seem to display more than 1 images using the new method.
Is there perhaps a different way of displaying the images? Currently im using comma as a separator


I found this issue with linking after creating many links, since I was signed in and hadn’t tested through incognito. Is there any other known method to link to Google Drive files, or another hosting service that will allow the links to be access?

Hi, we have a workaround for images stored in Google Drive. Please check the following thread for more detailed instructions: How to Display Images on Dynamic Blocks Using Google Drive URLs