Details page only displays the first entry

Hello all,

Thank you for this great community.

I’m trying to get familiar with Softr…learning…

I’m running a Podcast with Programs, Interviews and Guests working for Companies

1 Program can have N Interviews
1 Interview can have N Guests
1 Guests can get interviewed N times
1 Guests works for 1 Company

I’ve created an Airtable database with tables Interviews, Guests and Companies.

In Softr, when creating the sub-page Guets-Details, I added Guests data and the Interviews he/she participated. My problem is that then the Guests has participated in more than one Interview, only the first Interview is displayed.

Any idea how to get the complete list of Interviews?

One more question:
Do I need to use autonumber fields in Airtable for this to work? I used autonumber for the Interviews tabel, but not sure is this neccesary?

Attached 4 screenshots



Can you take a screnshoot in airtable pointing at this value:

Attached two screenshots with the Interviews table and the Guests table:


Attached two screenshots with the Interviews table and the Guests table:


My suggestion, would be to target the “invitados” field on the same table, then add an airtable lookup field to the table and list its record id.

Then the condition would say If “invitados_record_id” IS ONE OF => LOGGED IN USER RECORD ID

This asummes that logged in user can only see the interviews linked to themselves.