Details page and connect to list details on the same page

Hi Community ,

I have an issue on my profile page. Here is the scenarios

On the list directory , customer will click freelancer profile
then freelancer profile will open (detail page)
Below, on the same page, I added a list of the freelancer to show his case study (which is coming from a different table on the same based)

I tried different filters, and the condition does not show up. I’m using two tables on the same base (1) services table for the case study content. (2) is the actual profile data of the freelancer. On editing I can see, but on preview, it is not showing.

It seems like you understand the concept of correctly displaying the blocks… but, also it could be a bug.

However, when you see data on the preview that disappears in a live project, is usually because filters are not reading the expected data due to miss configuration on your side.

Thank you all sorted I just configure it out